Food For Thought

Facing reality.......

A coup d’état is usually brought about by people who are convinced that they cannot acquire power through democratic means and / or those whose vital interests are mightily threatened without power .

Sunday, November 2, 2008


On the 28th of October 2008, the Maldivian people have unequivocally stated their desire for change in this country. Most of the people who voted for Anni probably did not consider what Aneh Dhivehiraajje may look like. While there were five issues proposed in the election by Anni, there really was no comprehensive set of policies on the election agenda. I believe people just wanted a change of government. This was for the simple reason that they had trusted Qayyoom for 30 years and he was not able to make a difference in their lives. Of course, the level of depravity of DRP which was evident in the media in the final few days before voting clinched the deal for change. ANYTHING different from Qayyoom-rule was preferred by most voters.

The last week of campaigning confirmed for me what the result was most likely to be. However, it also made evident that Qayyoom was not prepared to step down whatever the cost. I was expecting turmoil in the country and bloodshed any minute. But by the Grace of Allah, we have been spared from it to a large degree as of now.

While we might like to claim that we achieved change without bloodshed, this claim would be an injustice to the families of the number of innocent victims who lost their lives due to political maneuverings. It all started with the life of Evan Naseem and others who lost their lives in jail. Then came the life of an innocent 14 year old who was killed by a group who came out of a DRP meeting (no one even remembers now that this kid was killed). This violence quickly spread to numerous incidences of violence with cutters, knives, clubs, iron bars…you name it and it was used against people in violence. All these were very quickly dismissed as “gang violence” and “paatey fights”. This was of course, a myth created and sustained by the government. If there was no government involvement in these incidents, why were, why are, the perpetrators still at large?

The last in this series of political violence was another innocent young boy who lost his life. A young lad who did not have an inkling about his destined role in this ruthless game. I wonder what was going through his mind as he set out to distribute those Wathan Edhey Gothah CDs? Was he thinking about a bright future for him and others of his age? Was he wondering about what Aneh Dhivehiraajje would look like? Or maybe he was hoping that he might at least get some decent housing with a new government in place? I suppose we will never know. Ever since I heard the news of his death, I have asked myself a thousand times : what were his final thoughts? Hope? Agony? Despair? Hopelessness?

Ironically, this lad was also attacked by a group who came out of a DRP gathering. The demise and downfall of an authoritarian regime, sandwiched between the violent deaths of two innocent 15 year olds? Life can be so twisted sometimes.

Question is, if people have gone to such lengths over a four year period to deter change and to protect the regime, is there any limit to what the same people will do to hang on to the final threads? In our moment of seeming victory, we may be tempted to turn a blind eye to reality. I have been observing the unfolding drama of Qayyoom and DRP over the past few days, and it is very clear where that drama is leading us. They may say that they have accepted defeat, but their actions and the sequence of events, the sms messages that are being floated around, the rumours that are being spread, reveal a carefully choreographed series of events and activities which is setting the stage for the ultimate denial of election results. If key people in the contingent leave town one after the other in quick succession, that will be the final signal of what is to come.

It is not unusual for the end of these kinds of regimes to be associated with violence. The reason is that the regime gets into a vicious cycle. The have to hang on to power at any cost to prevent negative consequences of actions within the regime. In order to hang on to power, more atrocities have to be committed and so it goes on and on and on. Nelson Mandela broke South Africa out of this cycle by his famous Truth and Reconciliation Council. But maybe, for the Maldives, this may not be an alternative; simply because the community is too small to absorb these kinds of things without ostracisation coming about.

Freedom in most nations has come with a cost. We have already paid heavily for the freedom we have got so far. The final breakaway from servitude will definitely invoke further costs, but I fervently hope that it will not be in the form of further bloodshed, damage to property and a general loss in the sense of security of the Maldivian people.

May Allah protect us all, and may he pardon the sins of Shaneedh and all others who have been the unknowing sacrificial lambs in this unholy ceremony of power transfer. May Allah grant them a place in heaven.

Rest in Peace, Shaneedh, my son. Rest in Peace. How I weep for you and all the others who have been brutally murdered to pacify the wrath of selfishness.


  1. Hello Ibra,

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Maldivians who live abroad and are not significantly involved in the politics of Maldives would probably not have known about these very specific nuances and rumors, climate of political fear that has been going on in Maldives since the election.

    I read the government filtered sources such as Haveeru and sometimes listen to VOM, and also read Minivan and DO. But none of the sources, not even MINIVAN had made a strong connection to the death of Shaneed and to the political climate, other than to pass general comment about it, so I think your information as person on the ground, who is living it and is trustworthy was very helpful.

    I was totally surprised by the joint news conference held by Maumoon and Anni, where Maumoon said he was going to give up his Sultanate so easily...I really was dumbfounded. But now reading more about these violent incidents I have a strong feeling this conceding election might very well have been a ploy, a deceptive move on the part of appease the international community and perhaps in the hopes of getting something beneficial out of it for himself !!!

    I have too much to say about that, but not enough time...But in any case I have one LAST comment about the joint conference...I don't think that a Dictator who has ruled with an iron fist, abusing the rights of its citizens until the day of election results would suddenly be a defender of democracy and rights...I have a hard time buying this...(And I disagree with Anni's position on giving him a presidential level pardon or forgiveness or whatever else you would like to call it, so he would never be tried in a court of Justice/Law in the Maldives, I think it is wrong and the people of Maldives, should they decide, should have the right to file lawsuits for damages he has caused to them while he was in power for 30 long brutal years.)

    The other issue that I am worried about is this: I am wondering what would happen when all the 500 or so politically chosen positions under Maumoon are replaced by Anni...(as would be the case, as these would be positions of trusts given to the confidants of the government of the time, run the government effectively) is there going to more violence !!! Is there a solution for this, I mean I think in Maldives most people lived in a culture where they thought government jobs were for life...especially senior political level job holders... as opposed to well established democratic countries where when the government change, they know they will loose their jobs, privileges etc...if it is a job at the political Minsters, Ambassadors etc

    So all that being said, I would love to hear what do you think the solution for Maldives be especially as it relates to this Transfer of POLITICAL POWER, with running of government !!! (perhaps there is no easy fix !).

  2. Dear Ibra,

    I believe Gayoom must apologise. Anni asking us to forgive him is not how this should go. What say you?

  3. I was expecting it to be rough with the gangs, thugs along with the mastermind people pulling their tricks when itthihaad won the election. However, by Allah’s will, so far it is calm. Still the same fear is lingering in the back of my mind. My doubts about Maumoon and DRP’s motives did not take long to confirm me that they would do everything they possibly can for their advantage. On the same day, Maumoon and Anni had the historical news conference and praised each other, that morning Maumoon was too appealing to public with his cunning charm. By night, he transformed himself to his old greedy dictator and tried to provoke people who favoured change. His well-rehearsed, carefully planned speech, blamed and branded the opposition MDP and the other members of Ithhihaad as those who disrupted the peaceful environment in the Maldives. Certainly, his words and his actions still do not match. The complain letter sent to the Election Commission last night is another example from Maumoon and DRP that they would not give up without a hard fight, no matter what they say on national TV and radio. I hope and pray their dirty games would fail with the grace of Allah.
    (To Ibra: You should not even think of quitting from politics yet. You are too good to be quitting this early. I believe there is so much you can still do and wish to see you around for a long time. By the way your speech on Iththihaad final gathering was awesome)

  4. A very concerned issue isnt it dear Ibra. I am student in Malaysia But I can also imagine the magnititude of the problem. Perhaps I might be wrong. But I will try to express what I feel regarding this issue.

    The most disturbing issue is people who have brutaly killed Ali Ishaar (Chotey) is roaming arround in Male'. (With all those evidence presented to the police still they have not being tried in a court. Always we hear that the case being returned to police or Police have send back the case to AG office). The people who have killed Shifaue is also roaming freely in Male'. Still Police got only 2 people out of 20 who killed Shaneedh. And the people who was jailed for Evan Naseem murder and Jail shooting killing is also some home released to roam arround Male'.

    One problem is some people was released on house arrest. But Maldives dont have mechanism to make sure that people who are released on house arrest is staying in the house. They are free to roam arround Male'. Similar to being released.

    Tha fact is when these killers was behind bars there was no voilence or fights. It is in this period gangs came out and gave news conference. But we saw once these people was released (maybe due to the promises of gangs or what ever) the fights and brutal killing started.

    Most depressing thing of all is that Ishaar killers & Shifaue killers was released by a court order. What I dont understand is Is our Justice System so poor. Is our court system making sure that Justice will be prevailed. What are our MPs doing to bring Justice to those families and loved ones. Is any body abusing his power to favour these thugs. I dont know whether I will ever get an answer for these questions.

    Eventhoug the governments is changed I dont see how these will be stoped and how our roads will be free from these voilence bearing the fact that these gangs play vital role in the campaigns of the political arena whether it is Presidential election or MPs election.

    Dear Ibraa you were the only MP I saw who has presented these to Majlish as 'kohli Mahsala'. I realy appreciate it. But what was the out come of it besides politicians just expressing lofty words and gaining some political credit in nation media.

    Perhaps I am wrong with these issues. I hope Male' will be free from violence like we see today. We would like to see a Male' on which we grew up.


    Rasheed Ibrahim

  5. Rest in peace Shaneedh

    Anonymous i didn't hear Anni giving judicial immunity pardon to Gay-yoom. The people can still file there cases against him.

    I think the executive branch of the government should be reduced drastically.


    good point made on the blog lets have justice Ibra. What do you think

  7. Do i detect the undertones of vengeance here? Are you rejecting reconciliation as an option?
    I do not believe your argument that we cannot follow SA's example because we are a small country holds any water...

    Holding those responsible accountable and subjecting them to 'havaru' are two different things

    Also DRP is now an opposition, so it is only natural they are also knee deep in formulating strategies to win parliamentary elections, contest the results in court etc. These would need to be countered in a civil manner, BUT not by discounting the legality of the party.

    DRP must remain a necessary evil esp since it is now clear that the coalition (with the exception of adalat)would have no real say in government. They would form a 'council' that would advise the MDP government. Does not sound like a coalition to me at all..

    if there exists no effective opposition to the ruling party, then what have we been fighting for all this time? a face-lift for the government?

    and it would appear we may never be fully satisfied until DRP and maumoon are completely absolved, perhaps even of their citizenship!

    LETS NOT FORGET DRP RECEIVED A CONSIDERABLE NUMBER OF VOTES. Anni got barely above 50%. This means any attempts to ostracize or marginalize the opposition would amount to an ostracisation of a significant segment of the population!!!!!!!!!!! this would backfire, no question about it- violence and chaos, political instability would then be the hallmark of anneh dhivehiraaje....It matters not wether drp incites their supporters to this effect or not. It will happen one way or the other, and as the ruling party and the "winning" "coalition"(though i doubt this now) we must take the higher ground.

    I urge you change your stance


    yes where is our justice

  9. Anonymous (on vengeance):

    I think you have missed the mark altogether. I sense your reaction is very emotional and knee jerk. I am not talking about vengeance or "havaru" or any such thing. In fact, quite the opposite.

    I am not against T&R, but our community is small, and after the T&R, what then? Do you really think that people will sit down for an evening cup of coffee with some one who tortured them just because they said sorry? I wish it would be so easy. More importantly, do you think that those who are guilty will BELIEVE that they will be forgiven by the public and can go on, life as usual?

    Nobody is talking about giving Qayyoom to "havaru". But can you imagine the situation had DRP won?

    "Ruling Party" and "Opposition" are not features of a Presidential system. There is no ruling party, simply an executive and a legislature. The legislature has majority grouping and minority grouping. Incidentally, DRP & PA is still the majority grouping.

    As for DRP and PA, it remains to be seen what will happen to these two parties after Qayyoom & Co leave the country. (Yes, I believe they will). I suspect Liberal Party will become the only "feasible opposition".But will the public realise this befor elections are over?

    FYI, I have nothing personal against Qayyoom or any of them.

  10. Where is the blog ‘’ [the blog Minister] ???

    what happened to the website of the information minister Mohamed Nasheed(kutti)?

    It shows last updated his blog on 25 Oct ‘08.

    Was hoping some news about current political events (transition) might be there but found that whole blog was deleted! well.. gone

    Will miss the blog Minister in the aneh dhivehi raaje.

  11. Anonymous (on Minister Nasheed) :

    I think he fell into the Void he created.

  12. No regrets - we did our best; but as young nations rise from the grip of stone age tyranny, its natural to see bloodshed and turmoil.

    DRP(Druggai Raaboe Party) will not accept defeat easily. Already, there are SMS's floating around demanding that a re-election take place, house ransackings and backstreet intimidations are taking place.

    I am prepared for the worst - I have stockpiled food and rudimentary weapon systems; I pray for good luck, and a peaceful conclusion to this violent age.

  13. president should live in muleeaage and vp should live in hilaaleege. majlis should pass a bill on president satiting those.

    expresidents provide accomodation from anyplace in maldives where he wants to live. it may not neccessarly be male'

    there will be many expreisidents later on. even current president is very young. givin muleeage to one expresident is unfair. maumoon. give us a break. we know you lived like a sultan. but before you passaway how about livin in luxury. i'm not talking about living like normal residents of male'

    dhivehi dhaulathaky dhivehinge echeh. enmemeehege tharikaeh noon. amila kuraakah

  14. anni akaves dhivehi dhaulatha kaifa huri rufiya maafeh nukureveyen. eyee aharemen rayithunge eche. ejeheyne hoadhan

  15. blog ministers nick changed from kutti to void nasheed

  16. I dont trust the PG or the justice system of Maldives now.You should pass a no confidence thing at Majlis now!!! What a shame in the name of justice. When he had two cases on his hand, he had the nerve to submit just Anni's case.Why didn't he take HAveeru to court? The answere he gave to the elections commision lawyers was that he doesn't know who the owner of Haveeru is.What crap was that? doesn't the law give him power to find out who the owner is and what he eats and where he poops? As i said, i dont trust this system at all. And what about all the other pending serious criminal cases?? He is sitting on them because his office lacks chairs and filing cabinets...

